I visited the Georgia Tech campus with three college mates a couple weekends ago. We arrived in one of the busiest airports in the world from four airports within minutes of each other and an hour later were playing some really bad golf on a course a few minutes away. Of course I brought my trusty Fuji X-T1 with an 18mm pancake lens to carry around the weekend.
One of the best team entrances in all of college football!
One of the main focuses of the weekend was the homecoming football game against Duke. There was certainly nothing spectacular to write about the game - an early Tech lead, a miserable Duke comeback, a late touchdown to give Tech the win. As you can see from the photo above, the game wasn't even close to a sellout, especially with an noon kickoff.
I had a late Sunday evening flight which game me an opportunity to walk the campus on a delightful fall afternoon. I wanted to capture some images of the Tech Tower. Even though the building appears to be undergoing some renovation, the iconic tower still stands out.
Along with the "old" are some "new" features since my college days. The 80-foot spire was part of the campus renovations for the 1996 Olympics. The 3,000 pound statue of Albert Einstein was installed last year.
To finish off the afternoon, I caught a couple innings of the Tech baseball team's fall inter squad game. When I attended games, there was no midtown skyline. The construction cranes indicate the skyline will continue to change.
Next year is a reunion year for me which gives me another chance to take in game and see the campus.